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A Final Prayer to Heaven Page 2
A Final Prayer to Heaven Read online
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Our Father Which Art in Heaven
Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name,
From attacking You I shall try to refrain.
For this collection isn't some atheist attack on God,
It's a questioning of Him and His principles, for they are a bit odd.
The question is not of if God exists;
But rather of just what exactly does this God consist?
For the line between the Divine and Christianity has been blurred,
And there is now significant trouble separating what is Human from God's word.
So instead what needs to be dealt with is the Church,
Although many claim to follow God, they appear to have long ago stopped the search.
Christians have used the Bible to justify evils such as slavery and hatred just to name a few;
And even though Jesus was one, Christianity has been hateful towards the Jews.
The Divine exists in and of Itself.
But Humans have controlled God to work only for Themselves,
Christians choose to remain content in Their traditions and created beliefs,
They push Their beliefs on everyone giving others no relief.
They have spread hate, supremacy and ignorance,
Leaving many to ask if their god makes any sense.
Because unfortunately whatever Christians do, God is blamed and held liable.
They've placed him in a box only for Them, which They call the Bible,
And what this Box has caused, even Pandora couldn't rival.
It contains some issues and contradictions,
To read it, we ourselves need a few benedictions.
All I strive is to ask questions about God and try to understand,
Various topics, like if He's a deity, why give him the human characteristic of a man?
So I urge you reader to proceed with no biases or preconceptions.
I strived to place value into all the included sections,
I urge you to listen to what I say,
My only hope is that you will be enlightened this day.
The Creator
7.6 Million,
Just a number or something more?
Featured is the annual number slain by cancer, including children,
All of whom were taken premature.
But what if we existed in a world where cancer was never a thought?
Many desire a world so serene, which is why the cure has been so sought,
Where households are always complete, and lives lived to their full extent,
But surely, only something such as this could be Heaven sent.
In a time before the Cancer epidemic, One toils away endlessly in a lab.
Because of just what He's created many call Him mad.
Father of all His inventions, He is a Creator.
Through all, He still wishes to see Himself a Savior.
After hours of endless work the Man exclaims, "Aha! Now I've done it!
I can rid the world of this disease in a manner ever so swift,
I now can add a cure to Cancer to My vast collection.
Indeed among the annals of history will there be for Me a section.
But is now the right time for the cure to be released?
Why only a few people suffer from it now, of what use would the cure be?
For I could wait till Cancer is more prevalent to make My cure known;
When it appears all hope is lost I’ll arise a single light, think of all the glory I'll be shown.”
Seasons change and the Creator remains silent,
Reapers come for crops and humans alike, with the Creator appearing more as a Tyrant.
Cancer grows and grows unbiasedly affecting members of every class,
And so years and years pass.
But today is different as the Creator makes His return on this new day,
He shall provide an answer, a solution, showing He is the only way,
Weeping has been endured for an evening, and we await the joy that cometh in the morning.
Walking into a place He could be heard the Creator proclaims,
"Attention! For I have a creation so you shall never cry over Cancer another day!
Quite some time ago I invented a cure,
The eradication of Cancer it would ensure,
And now at My leisure I release the cure for all to use.
Now you must hurry and rejoice, for we have no time to lose.”
Yet no one jumped for joy, and at His feet no palms were lain,
Indeed the Creator was met with quite some disdain.
Silence followed until a child asked,
"If you had the power to do away with it sooner, why wait till we dwindled to our very last?"
After silence had fallen all awaited an answer.
No response, the girl asked again "Well Sir?"
He retorts, "But don't you see silly girl? I guess you couldn't very well understand!
All of this was done for you, it's part of My great plan,
If I released the cure earlier, there'd be no use for Me,
You'd grow and love the cure leaving me nowhere to be seen,
My purpose would be completed and I'd be no different than man,
No longer would it be my own, I'd be part of some other divine plan.
But since I've waited till Cancer became so prevalent,
It infected you all, making Me only more relevant.
Now you have no choice but to follow Me and accept My cure,
For only do I provide eternal happiness, and that must be of some allure.”
"But at what cost?" someone cried out
"You denied us a happier existence from the beginning, what's that all about?
You could've helped create a world free of pain, loss, and suffering and full of love,
You say you only exude love but You treat us worse than bugs.
You waited till things got to their very worst,
And by then Your name was certainly cursed,
But now You expect us to accept You and follow along?
If that is the case, then You my dear Sir, are very wrong."
"You just don't understand, you never can!" Said the Creator
"You never will, not now nor later."
And so the Creator walked away,
His head hung in dismay.
All looked on Him in anger; but some looked with pity,
For none wanted him in their towns or city.
For one thing was made very clear that day,
Ask anyone and they would not know what exactly to say,
As to why when the Creator was called He would not answer,
Indeed He did contribute to a growing Cancer.
The Kingdom in All its Glory
One glad morning when this life is over, I’ll fly away
Indeed we shall do this when we breathe our last,
But fly away to where? I do ask.
Heaven and Hell seem to be the only two destinations,
One where teeth are gnashed, and the other full of elations.
What is Heaven to us, is simply a home for the Creator,
A place He’s always resided, past, now, and later.
But is Heaven really all it’s cracked up to be?
It certainly must for Human appeal it would seem.
Heaven is a reward, achievement, but also a motivator;
Possibly a Human construct, keeping people in line silencing any debaters.
Heaven is not something easy to achieve,
As we saw in the example of Adam and Eve.
It can’t be reached by waiting in line;
Nor can it be touched with the pull of a lever.
Heaven is proof that although Christianity is to emulate the Divine,
It is the most Human of endeavors.
In a walk through Heaven, a map isn’t necessary,
With all the riches around to explore we mustn't tarry.
Streets of gol
d and mansions await us,
Full of precious stones and rewards, let’s hope it doesn’t cause us to lust.
But it all strikes me as odd, doesn’t it you?
It almost seems that the Creator Himself couldn’t take His own cue,
Interesting how a man who taught to shirk earthly possessions,
Dwells in a paradise of almost Human greedy creation.
And then there’s the gift of eternal life,
Forever we could live in a paradise free of strife.
But forever is indeed quite a long time,
I’ve no idea just how we would ourselves occupy.
Why praise the Creator of course!
It should always be our driving force!
Did you think there was some other reason for your creation?
Hardly so, we were created to give attention to God and his Son.
Perhaps to feed a narcissistic God’s ego,
Or maybe just proof that God abhors being alone.
For if all creatures desire some connection,
Why should the Divine be free of this reflection?
But surely Heaven must be for us all!
For without it neither exists the Kingdom of the One who did fall,
Where then is that eternal place of justice.
Where unforgivingly we send them, “Yes them; but no not us!”
Because as Christians we are entitled to a different fate,
All one has to say is a simple prayer before it’s too late!
One can rape children, murder mothers and cause great alarm,
But say a prayer and to Heaven they’ll be welcomed with open arms!
Regardless Heaven must exist,
Or more simply the idea of It
For It provides meaning to Our little lives,
And guarantees a place for those who tell lies.
But more importantly without It our Christianity would be of meaning devoid,
For It’s pastors’ biggest selling point.
Indeed if there was no promise of Heaven,
I doubt there would be anyone holding reverence on Day 7
The War in Heaven
When Lucifer fell, a battle was raged,
From Heaven and Grace to Hell he jumped that day.
And so They thought Heaven was secure,
But of course these thoughts were premature,
For when Mortals were granted acceptance into this eternal place of love,
There was never such a rumbling that came from up above.
"Come one, come all" bellowed the Creator,
“Your race is run, enjoy your rewards, don't be a hesitator."
But before the lowly Mortals engaged in eternal bliss,
They couldn't help but notice something was amiss.
"We're a rather small number" one Mortal asks,
Can you explain why father" asks another in a tone like the last.
He retorts, "Well my children you must now see,
The few who made it were only those who believed in me."
A mortal asks, "Believed, what does that entail?"
"Well certainly that you believe and accept me without fail,
You must believe I am God and the only,
That only I could erase sin in a manner most holy,
And you must know your place as mortals and how I am a desperate need for you,
For I am the Creator and all things that I say must be true."
Among the Mortals questioning took place,
"Could this be true, why we've never even seen His face!"
Disarray arose and to keep things calm,
A woman arose from the frustrated mob.
"But, Father don't you think that's a tad unfair?", She said
"Why there's problems with that logic from beginning to end.
If someone wants to be thought of as the only one, in Your case a God,
Why do You remain silent, even when called?
And sin, certainly an issue to be raised,
We all say it came from Adam with a tone of disdain.
But why hold all of Humanity accountable for Adam's actions,
Not even us mere Mortals have the same reaction.
We don't blame all Germans for the Holocaust,
Nor do we blame all Whites for slavery no matter how lost.
And if indeed You could've always done away with sin,
Why wait till time's very end?
The pastors and evangelists You've chosen for Your divine representation
Are hardly divine, they're of the most human creation.
You've remained silent through much, allowing the Church to be Your voice,
And I cannot emphasize the incorrectness of that choice.
Why are our family and friends condemned to Hell's fires?
They were hardly murderers, much less liars.
If salvation is indeed a gift,
Why would You condemn one for simply not taking it?
People can live good lives helping others and living free of sin,
Why are they sent to hell if Jesus is just not for them?
And given how You've let Christianity run rampant as water from a leaky spout,
Who could blame them for opting out?
What is called faith sometimes seems to be nothing more than suppressed doubt.
This eternal Kingdom is certainly majestic,
But would it still stand if it were tested?
For perhaps it is built on fear,
Have people run to You out of love?
Or more so, afraid of the wrath from up above."
There was never a greater silence to take over the Heavenly Host.
Even stopped the joyful prayers of the Seraphim of which Heaven did boast.
None could provide a response,
Whether because it could not be understood;
Or because the reasoning had long ago been lost.
But on that day the idea was created that when some lose their place,
Perhaps they do not fall, but instead leap to Grace.
A Defense of The Faith
“You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.” (Matthew 7:5 NIV)
Bigots, adulterers, cheaters and liars,
Many Church members wear these titles.
But these are people of faith!
Men and women in whose hearts the word of God is kept safe,
But whether they are thorough Bible readers or just selective,
It's safe to say the Church is defective.
With hypocrisy and hatefulness the Church is in bed,
And unfortunately this religion isn't learned, but inherited.
But of course the question must be asked,
Is this the true religion or just a result of the past?
Love thy neighbor as thyself,
Especially if they're like you, and have a significant amount of wealth.
What should you do if they differ from your beliefs?
Why persecute and beat them till they fall to their knees!
After all, that's how Our Bible was created.
Christians, temples and churches were raided,
Only so Constantine could guarantee his Bible was the one true faith,
And he was successful, even though under him, not one felt safe.
But don't worry about that, Our religion isn't one of violence
Let's say Islam is, and persecute them so our critics will stay quiet.
Forget about the Crusades and the many Christian extremists of today,
And please, do look over the KKK.
We're not like the Muslims, why they're all part of ISIS,
But Our white extremists are no need for crisis.
And Our homophobia? Please look that over as well,
We really do love everyone! At least that's what We try to sell.
We just don't think they're in God's will,
> That’s not in the Bible; but trust us we know what's right, it’s why we argue with such zeal.
Rape, incest, and concubines in the Bible?
Don't worry about it, it was God's will, however tribal.
Our homophobic stance is based on fact,
Not just because We're afraid to think of men and women having sex like that.
Even though God's been quiet the last couple hundred years,
The Church is here, so there's no need to fear!
We alone are God's only voice,
You must listen to Us to be fulfilled, you simply have no choice!
It doesn't matter if We add some words or take some out,
God hasn't told Us to stop, he hasn't even let out a shout.
But to Us, please do be kind.
We're truly persecuted all of the time!
To Us, very mean things are said,
Even that We're better off dead!
But they just don't understand,
They're workers of the Devil's hand.
But then again We do have trouble seeing,
For indeed a plank for an eye,
Makes the whole Church go blind
The Great Pretender
Anointed, Chosen, Shepherd, Men of God.
Words assigned to preachers and ministers no matter how odd.
These men should certainly be esteemed,
Why they're God's only voice or so it would seem.
But do these men truly teach God's word?
Or do they push their own traditions and beliefs no matter how absurd?
Regardless these men are the head of the Church, so change may be too late,
For these men act as though they have Heaven's mandate
Yelling, shaking, tears rolling down his face
Why what's happening? Is an exorcism taking place?
Hardly so, just another Sunday sermon nothing out of the ordinary,
The pastor always looks as though he's about to blow a coronary.
For such passionate speaking his words must be true,
He certainly can't just be trying to impress me and you.
But upon close attention,
These words hardly seem like those of a Christian.
"We don't allow homosexuals to be members of our Church."
That's right, because letting one in would cause the whole religion to lurch.
Thank you Sir for leading the way!
That's right, we shouldn't provide comfort or acceptance to those who are gay.
It's certainly not something they're born with, it's their own choice.
Now please stop arguing, let's pray and rejoice.
"The word love is not in the Koran, at least I don't believe it is."
Really is that so? Better listen up kids.
Firstly, it's Qur'an try to be culturally sensitive please,
Did you even search for the word? It's a task completed with ease,
Why wouldn't it be in the text of a religion that literally translates to peace.
Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name,
From attacking You I shall try to refrain.
For this collection isn't some atheist attack on God,
It's a questioning of Him and His principles, for they are a bit odd.
The question is not of if God exists;
But rather of just what exactly does this God consist?
For the line between the Divine and Christianity has been blurred,
And there is now significant trouble separating what is Human from God's word.
So instead what needs to be dealt with is the Church,
Although many claim to follow God, they appear to have long ago stopped the search.
Christians have used the Bible to justify evils such as slavery and hatred just to name a few;
And even though Jesus was one, Christianity has been hateful towards the Jews.
The Divine exists in and of Itself.
But Humans have controlled God to work only for Themselves,
Christians choose to remain content in Their traditions and created beliefs,
They push Their beliefs on everyone giving others no relief.
They have spread hate, supremacy and ignorance,
Leaving many to ask if their god makes any sense.
Because unfortunately whatever Christians do, God is blamed and held liable.
They've placed him in a box only for Them, which They call the Bible,
And what this Box has caused, even Pandora couldn't rival.
It contains some issues and contradictions,
To read it, we ourselves need a few benedictions.
All I strive is to ask questions about God and try to understand,
Various topics, like if He's a deity, why give him the human characteristic of a man?
So I urge you reader to proceed with no biases or preconceptions.
I strived to place value into all the included sections,
I urge you to listen to what I say,
My only hope is that you will be enlightened this day.
The Creator
7.6 Million,
Just a number or something more?
Featured is the annual number slain by cancer, including children,
All of whom were taken premature.
But what if we existed in a world where cancer was never a thought?
Many desire a world so serene, which is why the cure has been so sought,
Where households are always complete, and lives lived to their full extent,
But surely, only something such as this could be Heaven sent.
In a time before the Cancer epidemic, One toils away endlessly in a lab.
Because of just what He's created many call Him mad.
Father of all His inventions, He is a Creator.
Through all, He still wishes to see Himself a Savior.
After hours of endless work the Man exclaims, "Aha! Now I've done it!
I can rid the world of this disease in a manner ever so swift,
I now can add a cure to Cancer to My vast collection.
Indeed among the annals of history will there be for Me a section.
But is now the right time for the cure to be released?
Why only a few people suffer from it now, of what use would the cure be?
For I could wait till Cancer is more prevalent to make My cure known;
When it appears all hope is lost I’ll arise a single light, think of all the glory I'll be shown.”
Seasons change and the Creator remains silent,
Reapers come for crops and humans alike, with the Creator appearing more as a Tyrant.
Cancer grows and grows unbiasedly affecting members of every class,
And so years and years pass.
But today is different as the Creator makes His return on this new day,
He shall provide an answer, a solution, showing He is the only way,
Weeping has been endured for an evening, and we await the joy that cometh in the morning.
Walking into a place He could be heard the Creator proclaims,
"Attention! For I have a creation so you shall never cry over Cancer another day!
Quite some time ago I invented a cure,
The eradication of Cancer it would ensure,
And now at My leisure I release the cure for all to use.
Now you must hurry and rejoice, for we have no time to lose.”
Yet no one jumped for joy, and at His feet no palms were lain,
Indeed the Creator was met with quite some disdain.
Silence followed until a child asked,
"If you had the power to do away with it sooner, why wait till we dwindled to our very last?"
After silence had fallen all awaited an answer.
No response, the girl asked again "Well Sir?"
He retorts, "But don't you see silly girl? I guess you couldn't very well understand!
All of this was done for you, it's part of My great plan,
If I released the cure earlier, there'd be no use for Me,
You'd grow and love the cure leaving me nowhere to be seen,
My purpose would be completed and I'd be no different than man,
No longer would it be my own, I'd be part of some other divine plan.
But since I've waited till Cancer became so prevalent,
It infected you all, making Me only more relevant.
Now you have no choice but to follow Me and accept My cure,
For only do I provide eternal happiness, and that must be of some allure.”
"But at what cost?" someone cried out
"You denied us a happier existence from the beginning, what's that all about?
You could've helped create a world free of pain, loss, and suffering and full of love,
You say you only exude love but You treat us worse than bugs.
You waited till things got to their very worst,
And by then Your name was certainly cursed,
But now You expect us to accept You and follow along?
If that is the case, then You my dear Sir, are very wrong."
"You just don't understand, you never can!" Said the Creator
"You never will, not now nor later."
And so the Creator walked away,
His head hung in dismay.
All looked on Him in anger; but some looked with pity,
For none wanted him in their towns or city.
For one thing was made very clear that day,
Ask anyone and they would not know what exactly to say,
As to why when the Creator was called He would not answer,
Indeed He did contribute to a growing Cancer.
The Kingdom in All its Glory
One glad morning when this life is over, I’ll fly away
Indeed we shall do this when we breathe our last,
But fly away to where? I do ask.
Heaven and Hell seem to be the only two destinations,
One where teeth are gnashed, and the other full of elations.
What is Heaven to us, is simply a home for the Creator,
A place He’s always resided, past, now, and later.
But is Heaven really all it’s cracked up to be?
It certainly must for Human appeal it would seem.
Heaven is a reward, achievement, but also a motivator;
Possibly a Human construct, keeping people in line silencing any debaters.
Heaven is not something easy to achieve,
As we saw in the example of Adam and Eve.
It can’t be reached by waiting in line;
Nor can it be touched with the pull of a lever.
Heaven is proof that although Christianity is to emulate the Divine,
It is the most Human of endeavors.
In a walk through Heaven, a map isn’t necessary,
With all the riches around to explore we mustn't tarry.
Streets of gol
d and mansions await us,
Full of precious stones and rewards, let’s hope it doesn’t cause us to lust.
But it all strikes me as odd, doesn’t it you?
It almost seems that the Creator Himself couldn’t take His own cue,
Interesting how a man who taught to shirk earthly possessions,
Dwells in a paradise of almost Human greedy creation.
And then there’s the gift of eternal life,
Forever we could live in a paradise free of strife.
But forever is indeed quite a long time,
I’ve no idea just how we would ourselves occupy.
Why praise the Creator of course!
It should always be our driving force!
Did you think there was some other reason for your creation?
Hardly so, we were created to give attention to God and his Son.
Perhaps to feed a narcissistic God’s ego,
Or maybe just proof that God abhors being alone.
For if all creatures desire some connection,
Why should the Divine be free of this reflection?
But surely Heaven must be for us all!
For without it neither exists the Kingdom of the One who did fall,
Where then is that eternal place of justice.
Where unforgivingly we send them, “Yes them; but no not us!”
Because as Christians we are entitled to a different fate,
All one has to say is a simple prayer before it’s too late!
One can rape children, murder mothers and cause great alarm,
But say a prayer and to Heaven they’ll be welcomed with open arms!
Regardless Heaven must exist,
Or more simply the idea of It
For It provides meaning to Our little lives,
And guarantees a place for those who tell lies.
But more importantly without It our Christianity would be of meaning devoid,
For It’s pastors’ biggest selling point.
Indeed if there was no promise of Heaven,
I doubt there would be anyone holding reverence on Day 7
The War in Heaven
When Lucifer fell, a battle was raged,
From Heaven and Grace to Hell he jumped that day.
And so They thought Heaven was secure,
But of course these thoughts were premature,
For when Mortals were granted acceptance into this eternal place of love,
There was never such a rumbling that came from up above.
"Come one, come all" bellowed the Creator,
“Your race is run, enjoy your rewards, don't be a hesitator."
But before the lowly Mortals engaged in eternal bliss,
They couldn't help but notice something was amiss.
"We're a rather small number" one Mortal asks,
Can you explain why father" asks another in a tone like the last.
He retorts, "Well my children you must now see,
The few who made it were only those who believed in me."
A mortal asks, "Believed, what does that entail?"
"Well certainly that you believe and accept me without fail,
You must believe I am God and the only,
That only I could erase sin in a manner most holy,
And you must know your place as mortals and how I am a desperate need for you,
For I am the Creator and all things that I say must be true."
Among the Mortals questioning took place,
"Could this be true, why we've never even seen His face!"
Disarray arose and to keep things calm,
A woman arose from the frustrated mob.
"But, Father don't you think that's a tad unfair?", She said
"Why there's problems with that logic from beginning to end.
If someone wants to be thought of as the only one, in Your case a God,
Why do You remain silent, even when called?
And sin, certainly an issue to be raised,
We all say it came from Adam with a tone of disdain.
But why hold all of Humanity accountable for Adam's actions,
Not even us mere Mortals have the same reaction.
We don't blame all Germans for the Holocaust,
Nor do we blame all Whites for slavery no matter how lost.
And if indeed You could've always done away with sin,
Why wait till time's very end?
The pastors and evangelists You've chosen for Your divine representation
Are hardly divine, they're of the most human creation.
You've remained silent through much, allowing the Church to be Your voice,
And I cannot emphasize the incorrectness of that choice.
Why are our family and friends condemned to Hell's fires?
They were hardly murderers, much less liars.
If salvation is indeed a gift,
Why would You condemn one for simply not taking it?
People can live good lives helping others and living free of sin,
Why are they sent to hell if Jesus is just not for them?
And given how You've let Christianity run rampant as water from a leaky spout,
Who could blame them for opting out?
What is called faith sometimes seems to be nothing more than suppressed doubt.
This eternal Kingdom is certainly majestic,
But would it still stand if it were tested?
For perhaps it is built on fear,
Have people run to You out of love?
Or more so, afraid of the wrath from up above."
There was never a greater silence to take over the Heavenly Host.
Even stopped the joyful prayers of the Seraphim of which Heaven did boast.
None could provide a response,
Whether because it could not be understood;
Or because the reasoning had long ago been lost.
But on that day the idea was created that when some lose their place,
Perhaps they do not fall, but instead leap to Grace.
A Defense of The Faith
“You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.” (Matthew 7:5 NIV)
Bigots, adulterers, cheaters and liars,
Many Church members wear these titles.
But these are people of faith!
Men and women in whose hearts the word of God is kept safe,
But whether they are thorough Bible readers or just selective,
It's safe to say the Church is defective.
With hypocrisy and hatefulness the Church is in bed,
And unfortunately this religion isn't learned, but inherited.
But of course the question must be asked,
Is this the true religion or just a result of the past?
Love thy neighbor as thyself,
Especially if they're like you, and have a significant amount of wealth.
What should you do if they differ from your beliefs?
Why persecute and beat them till they fall to their knees!
After all, that's how Our Bible was created.
Christians, temples and churches were raided,
Only so Constantine could guarantee his Bible was the one true faith,
And he was successful, even though under him, not one felt safe.
But don't worry about that, Our religion isn't one of violence
Let's say Islam is, and persecute them so our critics will stay quiet.
Forget about the Crusades and the many Christian extremists of today,
And please, do look over the KKK.
We're not like the Muslims, why they're all part of ISIS,
But Our white extremists are no need for crisis.
And Our homophobia? Please look that over as well,
We really do love everyone! At least that's what We try to sell.
We just don't think they're in God's will,
> That’s not in the Bible; but trust us we know what's right, it’s why we argue with such zeal.
Rape, incest, and concubines in the Bible?
Don't worry about it, it was God's will, however tribal.
Our homophobic stance is based on fact,
Not just because We're afraid to think of men and women having sex like that.
Even though God's been quiet the last couple hundred years,
The Church is here, so there's no need to fear!
We alone are God's only voice,
You must listen to Us to be fulfilled, you simply have no choice!
It doesn't matter if We add some words or take some out,
God hasn't told Us to stop, he hasn't even let out a shout.
But to Us, please do be kind.
We're truly persecuted all of the time!
To Us, very mean things are said,
Even that We're better off dead!
But they just don't understand,
They're workers of the Devil's hand.
But then again We do have trouble seeing,
For indeed a plank for an eye,
Makes the whole Church go blind
The Great Pretender
Anointed, Chosen, Shepherd, Men of God.
Words assigned to preachers and ministers no matter how odd.
These men should certainly be esteemed,
Why they're God's only voice or so it would seem.
But do these men truly teach God's word?
Or do they push their own traditions and beliefs no matter how absurd?
Regardless these men are the head of the Church, so change may be too late,
For these men act as though they have Heaven's mandate
Yelling, shaking, tears rolling down his face
Why what's happening? Is an exorcism taking place?
Hardly so, just another Sunday sermon nothing out of the ordinary,
The pastor always looks as though he's about to blow a coronary.
For such passionate speaking his words must be true,
He certainly can't just be trying to impress me and you.
But upon close attention,
These words hardly seem like those of a Christian.
"We don't allow homosexuals to be members of our Church."
That's right, because letting one in would cause the whole religion to lurch.
Thank you Sir for leading the way!
That's right, we shouldn't provide comfort or acceptance to those who are gay.
It's certainly not something they're born with, it's their own choice.
Now please stop arguing, let's pray and rejoice.
"The word love is not in the Koran, at least I don't believe it is."
Really is that so? Better listen up kids.
Firstly, it's Qur'an try to be culturally sensitive please,
Did you even search for the word? It's a task completed with ease,
Why wouldn't it be in the text of a religion that literally translates to peace.